
List with all possible errors.


Name Description
You can select up to [max_tickets] tickets per reservation for the user: [name] You passed the maximum amount of tickets in a single reservation for this client.
There is no availability at the selected date and/or time. The requested timeslot is not available.
You can select up to 31 days per request. The period is longer then 31 days.
The 15 minutes reservation time has expired. Reservations need to be completed in the 15 minutes timeframe.
Invalid API function. The called API function doesn’t exist.
This API can only be used over SSL (HTTPS). Please use http instead of https
One or more parameters are missing. One or more required parameters are missing
Invalid environment parameter. Please use "test" or "production". Invalid environment parameter is given.
Our apologies this client is unavailable at this moment. Please contact the GlobalTickt team. The client has been set to inactive.
Our apologies your account is only able to order test tickets. Please contact [name] The reseller doesn’t have permission to order live tickets.
Invalid HMAC Key. Wrong generated HMAC key
Missing or invalid ticketTime parameter. Time expected (24 hour model: 00:00). This errors indicates a missing ticketTime or a incorrect timeFormat.

JSON output example

   "ticketTypes":"error here"